Physical Location

2701 West Oakland Park Blvd., Suite 220, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311

Medicare Association

The not-for-profit Medicare Association was founded with a specific mission: Help Any Senior, Anywhere, At Any Time.

Medical Care


Insurance Coverage


Our Why

Medicare Association

The not-for-profit Medicare Association was founded with a specific mission: Help Any Senior, Anywhere, At Any Time. We are senior advocates and coordinators of elder care and services in local communities across America. Our enthusiastic advocates research and locate timely, tried-and-true solutions for seniors and people with disabilities. We also coordinate with local government agencies and other NGO agencies and organizations to help our citizens get the services they need.

And… get this: Medicare Association is the first of its kind. There are no other national organizations that will actively research and help seniors locate the services and help they need in their local communities.

The Medicare Association Helps Seniors & People with Disabilities Acquire:



You can help make your local community a better place to work and live when you help us advocate for and assist at-risk elders and others with disabilities.

Here are 7 reasons why people 65 and older need your help and our efforts & advocacy:


Our Stories

Here are just a few of our everyday success stories:
Linda, 67, from Dallas, Texas, lives alone. Her doctor was away on vacation when Linda suddenly needed urgent care, so she called us here at Medicare Association and one of our advocates found her another provider to address her crucial care the same day.
Bob, 77, from Topeka, Kansas, didn’t have anywhere near enough money to cover his cancer treatment. The Medicare Association helped Bob locate a convenient, highly respected cancer treatment center to care for him without having to worry for a single moment about the cost.
Patsy, 62, from Cleveland, Ohio, required expensive medication costing thousands of dollars that she simply could not afford. The Medicare Association helped Patsy enroll in Medicaid, which covered all her medications.

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With Your Generous Support, Our Advocates Can Help Seniors & People with Disabilities Get the Crucial Support and Services They Need!
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My name is Maria Pabillo. I am writing on behalf of MEDICARE ASSOCIATION, a small but impactful nonprofit organization that coordinates services for at-risk seniors and disabled individuals in communities throughout the United States. Our mission is simple – but it’s the driving force behind our work: Help Any Senior, Anywhere, At Any Time. Unlike other senior support systems, […]